public static function encode($value, $options = 320) { $expressions = []; $value = static::processData($value, $expressions, uniqid('', true)); set_error_handler(function() { static::handleJsonError(JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX); }, E_WARNING); $json = json_encode($value, $options); restore_error_handler(); static::handleJsonError(json_last_error()); return $expressions === [] ? $json : strtr($json, $expressions); }
查看git提交记录,https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/commit/7bea7b65fdf21ae3e58339cc04376123416fcf81,发现这次提交的comment为“Improved JSON error handling to support PHP 5.5 error codes”,里面有说明
PHP 5.4 is throwingE_WARNING json_encode(): type is unsupported, encoded as null
when you are trying to encode Resource PHP 5.5 is resultfalse
withjson_last_error() JSON_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE 重现代码:
$fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); var_dump(json_encode(['a' => $fp]));
常量正好是在PHP 5.5.0加入的,而Yii2支持的PHP版本为 >= PHP 5.4 。